Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
Going onto the streets and soul winning has completely changed my perspective of people. Sometimes going through the everyday routine of life you can become so self-absorbed that you become calloused to the predicament of everyone else who is hurting around you. Soul winning has opened my eyes to view people as Jesus would, to let his compassion fill me for others and let my heart become one with his. Jesus’ heartbeat is souls! The other day I prayed for a man who was so hungry to hear the word of God.
As I spoke the word, his heart opened. He fought tears as he committed his life to the Lord. Looking at him initially, I would have never thought that his heart could be so tender. When I told him about our church services, he committed to coming this Sunday! Another man I spoke with told was already saved but had not been to our church before. He said that he was wanting to come to church but he was too tired Sunday mornings to come to church because he stayed up to one o’clock in the morning on Saturday nights.
I challenged him to get to bed early Saturday nights and make a decision to come Sundays on our bus to church. He admitted that was what he needed to do and recommitted his life to God at the moment! God’s presence filled that man while he prayed with me. As I turned to leave, there was a joy in his eyes that was not there before hand. Being on the streets has also enabled me to vocalize my faith to others. As I share my faith with others, God’s Word rises up inside of me and I speak things from his Word that I did not even realize was inside of me!